The electric power grid, and consequently the power to your home and business, can be disrupted by space weather.
NOAA Scales mini
Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for brief intervals.
Space Weather Impacts

About Space Weather Impacts
Different types of space weather can affect different technologies at Earth. Solar flares can produce strong x-rays that degrade or block high-frequency radio waves used for radio communication during events known as Radio Blackout Storms. Solar Energetic Particles (energetic protons) can penetrate satellite electronics and cause electrical failure. These energetic particles also block radio communications at high latitudes in during Solar Radiation Storms.
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) can cause Geomagnetic Storms at Earth and induce extra currents in the ground that can degrade power grid operations.
Geomagnetic storms can also modify the signal from radio navigation systems (GPS and GNSS) causing degraded accuracy. Geomagnetic storms also produce the aurora. Space weather will impact people who depend on these technologies. A description of some of the space weather phenomena can be found at Space Weather Phenomena. Space Weather Phenomena.
Electric Power Transmission |
Satellite Communications Satellite communication refers to any communication link that involves the use of an artificial satellite in its propagation path. |
Satellite Drag Drag is a force exerted on an object moving through a fluid, and it is oriented in the direction of relative fluid flow. |
Space Weather and GPS Systems The use of single and dual frequency radio navigation systems, like GPS, has grown dramatically in the last decade. |
Space Weather Impacts On Climate All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. |