An M5.0 flare (R2-Moderate HF Radio Blackout) occurred on 21 February, 2023, at 5:17 pm EST (2017 UTC). The source was NOAA/SWPC Region 3234, which rotated into view yesterday and has produced earlier M-class flare (R1-Minor) events. The M5 flare was associated with a CME related radio signature - a Type II event reported by the USAF RSTN (Radio Solar Telescope Network). Initial analysis of available coronograph imagery revealed a CME just departing the northeast solar limb and first clearly noted at 21/2048 UTC. The CME will be analyzed and modeled by SWPC forecasters to determine the likelihood of an Earth-directed component as more imagery and data become available. Continue to visit our webpage for the latest information, forecasts, and updates.